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Make a Kitchen Renovation Your New Year’s Resolution

White shaker-style U-shaped kitchen by Wood & Co.

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We’re more than halfway thru January now. How are those New Year’s resolutions going? At this time of the year, many Americans seek to better their lives, whether that’s thru eating better, getting more sleep, or exercising regularly. But really, how many of last year’s resolutions have you kept if any? For this New Year, why not consider investing in your home –investing in a kitchen remodel as your New Year’s resolution.

Why is the New Year the Perfect Time to Start a Kitchen Renovation?

January is generally considered as a great starting point for many things. That’s why New Year’s Resolutions are a thing in the first place. A time that you’re highly motivated, like now, is a great time to start planning a kitchen renovation.

Note that we say that it’s time to start planning. We don’t mean for you to start tearing down your existing cabinets and get to building new ones right away. The winter months are a great time to get started so that when the weather becomes more conducive for construction, you’ve already got all your plans in place. Starting early also gives you more leeway to properly choose a professional designer and builder to work with. These colder months also tend to be less busy for many people, so that gives you more free time to gather ideas for your kitchen.

What Can I Do to My Kitchen?

Now that we’ve got you considering a kitchen refresh, you may be wondering what exactly you can do. Maybe you’re satisfied with your current setup and just want to make a few tweaks. Maybe your space feels too cramped and you need to create more space somehow. What if you’re on a tighter budget and can’t completely redo your space? Don’t worry! Our list below can give you plenty of ideas, and in increasing project complexity. Read on to find out what can work for you.

Get New Appliances

A major thing to consider when you’re looking to refresh your kitchen is your appliances. First off, check if they’re still in working order. This is especially true if you’ve had them for a long time. Faulty or damaged appliances, at best, take up extra space you could use for something else. At worst, they can become a fire hazard and endanger your family.

If you judge that you’re in the market for new kitchen appliances, there are a number of factors that can affect your purchase. Ideally, you want items that are energy efficient. It may cost more upfront, but it will save you money in the long run with regard to electricity bills. The same concept can also be applied when choosing faucets and dishwashers –choose something saves water. Another consideration are smart features, letting your automate tasks or control your appliances from afar, thus saving you precious time.  Also consider whether your appliances are still sufficient for your needs or if you need to add or upgrade. If a 36” refrigerator doesn’t seem to cut it anymore, especially if you have a growing family, it’s worth considering going for a larger size.

Reface or Repaint Cabinets

Undoubtedly, your kitchen cabinets are the most noticeable components in your space. Therefore, it follows that if you want to update your kitchen’s look, this is where you’ll get the most mileage. Depending on the condition of your cabinetry, the amount of them that you have, and your overall budget, you might not need to replace them fully. Refacing or repainting your kitchen cabinets can be a practical solution for many homes, and may save you about 30-50% compared to a full replacement. Just make sure that the existing cabinet frames are in good condition, free of water damage, mold, mildew, and the like.

Add or Reconfigure Your Storage Spaces

An important functionality in any kitchen is the amount of storage space –and most families would say that they don’t have enough of it! If your current space is sporting plenty of open shelving or you just have some extra unused wall space, adding new cabinets is an easy way to add storage space.

Alternatively, replacing your cabinets to better maximize your available floor and wall area is another option on the table. For example, you can extend existing cabinets all the way up the ceiling. The cabinets higher up become a great spot for storing seldom used or seasonal items. You can also convert cabinets into drawers if you find that you have way too disorganized many small items. Similarly, you can make deeper cabinets for storing large pots and pans instead of just leaving them on your countertops.

Expand Your Kitchen

If you find that just rearranging and optimizing your existing cabinetry won’t cut it, then considering extending and expanding your space. This is a more intensive remodel compared to the previous options. Often, a kitchen expansion will involve tearing down a wall or two to increase the overall floor area. You can extend existing cabinets and increasing your counter space. You can add new cabinetry while still having enough space to comfortably move around.

Note that you don’t need to fully replace every cabinet existing kitchen for this –that’s the next item. Depending on your home’s configuration, you can tear down a wall then built new matching cabinets in the added space. If your home has an open floor plan, you may just need to reconfigure the furniture at the adjacent spaces to make room for additional cabinets.

Just make sure that your existing cabinetry still looks good, and work with a professional to get the new additions to match well. Otherwise, you may end up with a kitchen that looks like patchwork. Another consideration is to reface your existing cabinets at the same time. This will make it easier to achieve a unified look throughout your older and newer segments of your expanded kitchen.

Do a Complete Kitchen Overhaul

Of course, the most extensive and thorough way you can refresh your space is to go for a full kitchen renovation. Completely gutting the existing space will give you the most freedom and options to have the kitchen of your dreams. This also makes it easier to relocate any major appliances or fixtures. You can also use this opportunity to install new piping and upgrade your electrical wiring –very important for older homes.

Unsurprisingly, this will cost the most of all the items on this list. It will also take the longest. Make sure that you’re set on your budget and timeline, and work with a professional to ensure the process is as smooth sailing as possible.

Looking to start on your kitchen remodel? Wood & Co. can help you! Contact us and let’s get started on your new kitchen for the New Year.

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